Balance and Fall Reduction

About one third of people over the age of 65 and almost half of people over the age of 80 will fall at least once this year. And falling once doubles your chances of falling again.

Falls are responsible for 95 percent of hip injuries, which can be particularly debilitating to older adults.

Physical therapists can help you reduce your risk of falling by:

  • Assessing your risk of falling
  • Helping you make your home as safe as possible
  • Educating you about the medical risk factors linked to falls
  • Designing individualized exercises and balance training
  • Working with other health care professionals and community services to create programs for people who want to reduce their risk of falling

Even if a fall does not result in an injury, it can result in a fear of falling, which often leads to decreased freedom and independence with daily tasks. When someone is less active, they become weaker and more susceptible for further falls, creating a downhill spiral. At Refine PT and Performance, we seek to address each contributing factor in the patient’s increased fall risk in order to promote strength, balance, and confidence with daily activities.*

*Adapted from MoveForwardPT