Entries by rptpadmin


Blood Flow Restriction, Part I

Blood flow restriction (BFR) involves the restriction of arterial blood flow into the muscle, while occluding or stopping the venous blood flow out of the muscle, which then creates pooling of the venous blood. With this pooling effect, blood flow restriction also causes oxygen deprivation in the muscles, enhancing metabolic stress, and encouraging muscle adaptation […]

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Older Adults, Do You Even Lift?

Did you know that falls are the leading cause of injury and injury death in individuals 65 years of age and older? Falls often lead to a decrease in functional ability, increased use of healthcare services, and an increase in patient anxiety. This anxiety and fear of falling again often causes these individuals to decrease […]


The Truth About Pain

Pain is something that we all will experience at some point in our lives. It is inevitable. But the question is, how will you deal with it? With this question in mind, we want to provide you all with accurate information about what pain is and what pain is not so that you can make […]